Jefry Jacky

Jefry Jacky

Senior Software Engineer


Work Experience

PT. Rockliffe Indonesia

Software Engineer (2013 - Present)

Developing chat application in Android platform the chat application is like modern chat such as Whatsapp or Line but the difference that this chat application is for enterprise, which we can connect to their XMPP Server. My responsibilities include:

Selected Accomplishments:


1. AstraChat (2014 - present)

I am working for PT. Rockliffe Indonesia to develop AstraChat. AstraChat is a lightweight standalone Jabber (XMPP) Client application that connects to your XMPP server without any proxies in between.

Technologies: Android, Java, iOS,Objective C

Protocols: XMPP, NAT-PMP, STUN

google play badge app store badge

2. StealthChat (2014 - present)

I am working for PT. Rockliffe Indonesia to develop StealthChat. StealthChat is a secure app for calling and chatting with your friends and partners. With Advanced encryption technology, your phone calls and chat messages are private.

Technologies: Android, Java, iOS,Objective C

Protocols: XMPP, NAT-PMP, STUN, Crypthography

google play badge appstore badge

3. Smart Waker (2017 - present)

Smart Waker is a product that I build during my free time. This alarm can be used for wake up us every morning, and also we able to configured it to be silent during a holiday. This product has been launched to play store but only available in Indonesia.

Technologies: Android, Java

google play badge


  1. Java Standard Edition (Proficient)
  2. Android (proficient)
  3. Kotlin (beginner)
  4. Objective-C (beginner)
  5. iOS (beginner)
  6. HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, jQuery (prior experience)
  7. C and C++ (prior experience)
  8. Spring Framework (beginner)


Google Certified Associate Android Developer



  1. Master of Computer Science (2013 - 2015)

    Bina Nusantara University, Jakarta

  2. Bachelor of Computer Science (2009 - 2013)

    Bina Nusantara University, Jakarta


  1. Outstanding Student Odd Semester 2009/2010

    Bina Nusantara University – Jakarta, Indonesia


  1. Spoken languages: Bahasa Indonesia, Mandarin, English, Hakka, Teochew and Hokkien.
  2. Writen languages: Bahasa Indonesia and English.


Bina Nusantara Mandarin Club (2009 - 2012)

Organize Mandarin class for Bina Nusantara University student and organize an event for promoting Mandarin and Chinese culture to society. In this organization, I have been assigned to a different role to improve our hard skill and soft skill such. One of the projects that I worked for this organization is National Mandarin Competition registration website.